Wondering what FSC™ Wood is? Learn more about the FSC™ and how they’re ensuring that paper and wood is eco-friendly and environmentally responsible.
With so many packaging products made from paper, it’s important to ensure our forests are not irreparably damaged in the creation of paper-based packaging. This is why we choose to work with products that are a certified sustainable alternative, such as FSC™ certified birchwood.
The Forest Stewardship Council™ – otherwise known as the FSC – logo signifies that the material has been sourced from responsibly managed plantations.
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international non-profit organisation that acts to promote the responsible management of the world’s forests.
The Earth loses 18.7 million acres of forests per year, which is equal to 27 soccer fields every minute (source). It’s the FSC’s mission to highlight the dangers of poor forestry practice and grow the demand for sustainably sourced products and suppliers.
As part of their mission, the FSC works closely with landowners and workers to monitor the systems and processes, and trace the lifecycle of production: guaranteeing that the paper and timber supply in the market does not contribute to environmental destruction or habitat loss.
So, how can we ensure that our paper and birchwood supply isn’t contributing to negative environmental impacts? With a highly-sought-after FSC certification.
An FSC certification is built upon strict environmental and social responsibilities, both of which ensure long-term protection of our forests, and help reduce our negative impact on the environment and communities.
An FSC certification sets standards on products produced from trees and certifies them as eco-friendly based on the lifecycle of the product and how it came to be: FSC standards ensure that both the environment and communities were protected during the process.
According to the FSC, only 7 per cent of the world’s forests are plantations, but a third (33 per cent) of the world’s forest products are produced by them (source). Paper-based packaging with an FSC certification ensures customers and suppliers that the wood used to create the product has been responsibly managed in an environmentally sustainable manner – water and energy use, community support, and the end product’s overall environmental rating can all be cemented as responsible following an FSC certification.
An FSC certification represents so much more than environmental impact. Rather, the FSC™ works tirelessly to ensure that ecological, social, and cultural needs of indigenous communities and workers are being upheld throughout the journey.
As a result, the FSC has had a profound impact on the logging industry both in Australia and around the world. Here’s how an FSC™ certification impacts the wider community:
Landowners are now applying responsible practices that preserve the natural ecosystem when it comes to plantations.
The FSC has worked tirelessly to implement standards that have improved forest management around the world. Not only are the environmental improvements present, but communities and local workers alike are enjoying economic and social benefits, too.
FSC certifications give consumers confidence that their paper-based packaging is a responsibly sourced product. Both consumers and retailers alike can benefit from trustworthiness and marketing possibilities.
Combatting the growing number of plantations that are producing illegal timber. Countries around the world have legislation in place that bans the trade of illegally harvested timber and derived products – FSC certifications for responsible plantations is highlighting landowners and workers who are performing sustainable forestry practices.
Due to the FSC process and regulations, illegal forestation has declined, and communities, as well as landowners, have enjoyed numerous social and economic benefits.
Longsen is committed to getting people to understand and ultimately join us in using 100% biodegradable products to protect our planet.Our products are made of FSC-certified birch wood which can be traced back to its origin.